Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

So Zach and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch here in Tooele, we have decided to make it a new family tradition. Taylor had so much fun, she had to look at every pumpkin to make sure she got the right one. When she finally spotted the one she wanted she grabbed the scissors cut it off the stem and then rolled it down the field. Of course Mason couldn't pick out his own so he got a little one (just like him).
After we were done picking out pumpkins we wait for the tractor to come and pick us up and take us back to the front. Riding in the tractor was Taylor's favorite part, I thought Mason was going to cry but he just looked at the man driving the tractor trying to figure it all out. When we left Taylor says "I want to go again" so I suppose we will have to do it one more time before Halloween comes!!!!