Friday, May 29, 2009

8's meme

I saw this on my friend Jen's blog and thought it would be fun to participate.

The Rules
1 Mention the person who tagged you
2. Complete the list of 8's
3. Tag 8 other bloggers
4. Tell them they have been tagged

Eight Things I Look Forward To:
1. Getting my 18month old off the bottle
2. Improving my photography skills
3. One day start a photography business
4. Watching my kids grow up
5. Getting all my laundry done
6. Organize my craft room
7. Losing weight (actually doing and not just talking about it!!!!)
8. Eating healthy

Eight Things I did yesterday
1. Started a band with my daughter, son, and nephew we are called PUMPKIN PIE
2. Argued with my daughter about brushing her hair
3. Looked for nephews Woody doll about 100 times
4. Cleaned my house during nap time
5. Put up big water slide for the kids
6. Had neighbor kids over to play
7. Drop daughter off to dance
8. Talked to my friend who is moving to Mexico

8 things I wish I could do
1. Eat what ever I wanted without gaining weight
2. Dance (I have no rhythm think Elaine from Seinfeld)
3. Have as much energy as my kids
4. Take a bath without any interruptions
5. Take a family vacation
6. A dinner date with hubby
7. See my Grandma Ackman again

Eight Shows I watch
1. House
2. Criminal Minds
3. Gossip Girl
4. Ugly Betty
5. The Office
6. Barney
7. Sponge Bob
8. Hanna Montana

1. Ihopp
2. Olive Garden
3. La Frontera
4. Subway
5. Red Lobster
6. Applebees
7. Chilies
8. Asian Star

8 of my Quirks
1. I sing good morning to my kids with song I have made up
2. Bit my nails all the time
3. Eat for the fun of it
4. Laugh at my own jokes
5. wiggle my fingers while I am driving
6. That all I can think of right now

8 friends I am tagging
1. Dalainee
2. Sharee
3. Katy
4. Andrea (if she has time she just had a baby)
5. Any one else reading this

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Bears

We went to the Zoo on Monday expecting to see alot of animals but that is not the case, they must have all been sleeping:( We were there for only 2 1/2 hours but it seemed like we were there all day. The kids had a lot of fun, this was Mason's first time going and he did so good. He didn't have any melt downs and was pretty mellow the entire time. Of course the kids like the play land the best. I really like the Zoo but thank goodness we only go once a year.

Sharee and Dylan

Zach and Bug

The Girls (double trouble)

Kaison and Nikki

What a Handsome little guy
The two hot guys in my life, the one with the dark hair is taken but I am accepting application for the blonde (there are some strict requirements please email me for complete list)

A Monkey!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

My sweet little boy!!!!!

Tonight Zach and I were outside weeding the front yard ,well mostly Zach but I was chasing Mason around with my camera trying to get a picture of him. I handed him a dandelion in hopes to get a cute shoot of him holding it but instead he grabbed it and smashed it in his little chunky hand and then throw it on the ground and stepped on it. I was lucky to get a shoot of him holding it!!!
With in a fraction of a second after this picture was taken the poor little dandelion was on the ground all crumbled up.
I love the shadow on the sidewalk (even though his head is cut out).