Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween Party

This was a great Halloween we decided to combine both Taylor's and Mason's birthday parties into one huge Halloween bash. There were games, food, and a lot of noise.
Mason had the stomach flu and we were afraid he wouldn't want his cake but we were so wrong. I kept his cake in the fridge until it was time for him to eat it and it was a good thing I did he pick up the entire cake. One Taylor's 1st birthday she was so careful not to get dirty. It is so funny how different they are.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mason's One

Mason has grown so much in the last year!!! He can say mommy and has said daddy a couple times, still crawling but I am confident he will be walking by Thanksgiving. He is currently 23 lbs 30inches long and still only has a little hair. He is the happiest baby I have ever seen, always has a smile on him face and now that he has lost some weight you can see his adorable dimples.
When people would say that boys get in to things a lot more then little girl I would think to myself yea right. But let me tell you they were right!!!!! Mason is always on the go if it isn't crawling around chasing the cats he is getting in something he shouldn't be. In my opinion he is very smart just the other day he was trying to get a cup off the end table in our room and realized he couldn't reach it so he tipped over our bill folder to stand on top of it to get the cup.

5 months old Rolled over May 10th at Aunt Sharee's house
First word Mommy
7 months old Crawled for the first time on July 4th
11 months old took his first step on September 27th of course it was for daddy and not me
favorite TV shows Higley Town Heroes, and Barney (Zach hates this one)