Monday, November 2, 2009

Mason is Two years old

My little boy has turned two year old!!! It seems like the time has just passed by so quickly. He is getting so big he no longer looks like a baby but is now a little boy. We had his party on Saturday everyone came dressed in their Halloween costumes and the kids painted pumpkins.

Favorite movie
Favorite TV show
Sponge Bob
Best Friends

Favorite Words
Mean Mean
So cool
cyle (this is how he says motorcycle)
Sisy (how he refers to his sister)

I set up a Halloween scene so all the guest could get their pictures taken in their Halloween costumes.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday with my sister and her family. Mason thought all of the pumpkins were yucky and he would crinkle his nose every time he would say it. He looked for a while before came across his pumpkin. Taylor on the other hand ran around seeking her pumpkin. She started to a little discourage and was worried she would not find one. Her and Zach looked and looked she finally found on the other end of the field it weighted 25lbs. We can't wait to carve our pumpkins.

This is the face he would make every time he said Yucky

We found Mason's pumpkin
Me and all the kids

Friday, September 18, 2009

Daddy and Daughter

I was organizing my photos today when I came across this picture of Zach and Taylor, it was taken when she was five months old at her uncle Brandon's wedding. Zach would only dance with Taylor at the wedding, he would not even consider dancing with me!!!

Zach looks so young in it and this picture shows how much he loves Taylor from the moment he saw her. Zach and Taylor have had a bond with each other from the moment she was born. At times it would make me jealous how much she wanted him over me. I don't think Zach every really wanted or planned on having kids but when Taylor was born his world changed. Looking back on things it makes me realize how young and naive we were about life. I know both Zach and I live for our kids and would not have it any other way.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Feed Me!!!!

Every day Mason goes to the pantry and pulls out what he wants to eat. Yesterday he goes and grabs him some Ramon noodle and hands it to Zach, I then grab a bowl and put it in the microwave. Mason must have thought we put it away so he goes and grabs another pack and gives it to Zach again, Zach tells him "Mommy is making you some" and put the other Ramon back in the pantry. He does this a few more time and then finally get upset with us so instead of handing Zach the package of Ramon he goes in the drawer and pulls out a bowl and proceeds to try and break up the Ramon to put in the bowl. We busted up laughing. Finally his Ramon was done and he got his lunch. I swear he thinks he is so big and can do anything him self.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lunch Box Cards

My cousin Kelsey and I were up until 1:45am in the morning last night making these cute lunch box cards for Taylor and Brooklyn. We each did 20 different cards, mine were for Taylor and hers were for Brooklyn. They are all different sizes any where from 1 x1 - 3 x3. It is so funny how hers and mine turned out so different (even though I copied her on some). These will take care of one month but we will start again next month. All the cards took about 3hrs to finish, but it was worth it. I love them!!!!!!

Kelsey's cards for Brooklyn

My cards for Taylor

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My new Nephew

He was born at 11:21pm on August 3rd, after a long delivery. My sister had the worst delivery I have heard of!!! By the time she was pushing which was at 9:30pm her epidural worn off so she pretty much went at it natural. She also had to get an episiotomy, since the doctor didn't check to see if she was numb she felt the entire thing!!!!! Since she could feel everything the pain was so bad that it caused a blood vessel to burst and created a hematoma the size of a golf ball. After a lot of pain killers and a blood transfusion she is going to be released from the hospital tomorrow.

7lbs 9oz
21 inches long

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Terrible Two

I went to my husbands grandma's house in hopes to get some pictures of the great grand kids. I went in thinking I would only get one or two good pictures. This picture shows Mason's attitude the entire time. I love the way it turned out, you can see some more pics on my photography

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fun at the Park

On Thursday I meet up with my cousin's and their kids, we all went to Jordan Park to let the kids play. It was alot of fun, all of our kids are around the same age so they got along so well. It is so nice to get out with other mom's and have some real conversation. Thanks you guys for going with me I really needed to get out of the house.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Stinky Tink

Ok so her name is Tinker bell but what a perfect nickname for a cute little guinea pig. Taylor has been bugging us for years for a guinea pig so we finally broke down and got her not one but two. As you all know we have had quite a bit of pets in the past that didn't work out (two dogs that we have had to give away Bug is scared of dogs), but these two new additions are here to stay. My sister had a hamster a few years ago and I thought she was nut, I mean what the heck does a hamster do!!!! She was always telling me how fun they are, and I am now a guinea pig lover.

There is however a problem!!!

Yes that is Mason's finger, he is always trying to poke them. He is however really cute he will look at them in their cage and say "So cute kitty"

Forth of July

This year we went up to my sisters in laws house for a BBQ , the kids had so much fun. We went up to Suncrest and it was so beautiful up there. I was going to take my camera but promised Taylor I wouldn't (she is sick of me taking pictures all the time). After we all came home and got ready for fireworks. Bug of course was still determined to get me to not take any photos, however I slipped the camera and this is what I got.
My adorable sweet babies

Happy 4th

Monday, June 29, 2009

My weight

So my cousin and I are struggling with our weight so we have decided to put are current weight up on ours blogs (refer to weight tracker on the side), in hopes that it will humiliate us enough to get our big butts into small butt. When Taylor was born I was down to 118lbs by the time she was a year old, but with Mason I am at my biggest and having a hell of a time getting it off. I am going to set a goal for each week to help increase my weight loss. I am also hoping that anyone who reads my blog will help keep me on track.
Week one- switch to diet soda (eventually will cut out soda all together)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taylor's dance recitel

This was such a fun recital after all the performances Taylor has been in this was the best. It was held outside at Deseret peak in Tooele, think of Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show and this will give you a pretty good idea. Outside with a stage, and folding chairs. People brought their dogs, there were even booths set up were locals were selling things that they made. I love living in a small town!!!

Taylor is my little mini me the only problem is that one of the trait she inherited from her dear mom is one I would not like to pass on to future generations and that would be my ability to dance. When we run around the house together dancing it is quite a sight, it doesn't matter what music is playing because for some reason both of us can't find rhythm (and yes now Mason is next in line to get this horrible gene). However she did amazing at her recital, I would have to say she was the best in the entire group and the youngest. Taylor has been taking dance since she was three, last three recitals have been ballet but this was the first year for Jazz. She has found her calling!!! Thank goodness we were able to stop this awful gene before it followed her to high school.

Dancing on stage
My beautiful little girl

Both Mason and Taylor were tierd when the recital was over they both hitched a ride on the stroller.

Friday, May 29, 2009

8's meme

I saw this on my friend Jen's blog and thought it would be fun to participate.

The Rules
1 Mention the person who tagged you
2. Complete the list of 8's
3. Tag 8 other bloggers
4. Tell them they have been tagged

Eight Things I Look Forward To:
1. Getting my 18month old off the bottle
2. Improving my photography skills
3. One day start a photography business
4. Watching my kids grow up
5. Getting all my laundry done
6. Organize my craft room
7. Losing weight (actually doing and not just talking about it!!!!)
8. Eating healthy

Eight Things I did yesterday
1. Started a band with my daughter, son, and nephew we are called PUMPKIN PIE
2. Argued with my daughter about brushing her hair
3. Looked for nephews Woody doll about 100 times
4. Cleaned my house during nap time
5. Put up big water slide for the kids
6. Had neighbor kids over to play
7. Drop daughter off to dance
8. Talked to my friend who is moving to Mexico

8 things I wish I could do
1. Eat what ever I wanted without gaining weight
2. Dance (I have no rhythm think Elaine from Seinfeld)
3. Have as much energy as my kids
4. Take a bath without any interruptions
5. Take a family vacation
6. A dinner date with hubby
7. See my Grandma Ackman again

Eight Shows I watch
1. House
2. Criminal Minds
3. Gossip Girl
4. Ugly Betty
5. The Office
6. Barney
7. Sponge Bob
8. Hanna Montana

1. Ihopp
2. Olive Garden
3. La Frontera
4. Subway
5. Red Lobster
6. Applebees
7. Chilies
8. Asian Star

8 of my Quirks
1. I sing good morning to my kids with song I have made up
2. Bit my nails all the time
3. Eat for the fun of it
4. Laugh at my own jokes
5. wiggle my fingers while I am driving
6. That all I can think of right now

8 friends I am tagging
1. Dalainee
2. Sharee
3. Katy
4. Andrea (if she has time she just had a baby)
5. Any one else reading this

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Bears

We went to the Zoo on Monday expecting to see alot of animals but that is not the case, they must have all been sleeping:( We were there for only 2 1/2 hours but it seemed like we were there all day. The kids had a lot of fun, this was Mason's first time going and he did so good. He didn't have any melt downs and was pretty mellow the entire time. Of course the kids like the play land the best. I really like the Zoo but thank goodness we only go once a year.

Sharee and Dylan

Zach and Bug

The Girls (double trouble)

Kaison and Nikki

What a Handsome little guy
The two hot guys in my life, the one with the dark hair is taken but I am accepting application for the blonde (there are some strict requirements please email me for complete list)

A Monkey!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

My sweet little boy!!!!!

Tonight Zach and I were outside weeding the front yard ,well mostly Zach but I was chasing Mason around with my camera trying to get a picture of him. I handed him a dandelion in hopes to get a cute shoot of him holding it but instead he grabbed it and smashed it in his little chunky hand and then throw it on the ground and stepped on it. I was lucky to get a shoot of him holding it!!!
With in a fraction of a second after this picture was taken the poor little dandelion was on the ground all crumbled up.
I love the shadow on the sidewalk (even though his head is cut out).

Friday, April 17, 2009

My new nephew Kaison

He was born at 3:00 am yesterday, his mom (Nikki) was a trooper she checked in the hospital at 12:00 in the afternoon. He weighs 6lbs 13oz as you can see he is absolutely adorable. Taylor loved holding him, Mason on the other hand was not so excited. He didn't mind when I held Kaison (which I did the entire time we were there) but as soon as Zach held him Mason became very upset. I am very partial to my own kids but I would have to say he is definitely as cute as mine!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wheres Goobie?

Ok so after looking at my blog I noticed that I have posted so many pictures of Taylor but not many of Mason. Since he is not the first born I have less pictures of him. So here is my Challenge to myself, each week I promise to post at least one picture of Mason. Here is a quick run down of the Goobie we all know and love as of today. He is still the happiest little boy I have ever seen. His temper is starting to show (hope its not as bad and Taylors and mine) he gets upset and will start to shake things he has even started to take it out on the cats. Of course he gets in trouble but then he looks at me with his big dimples and it seens as his cuteness out weighs the naughty. He is now 18 months old and can say mommy, daddy, Cici, no, and grandma. He is starting to look like a little boy and not a baby, where does the time go.

This picture was taken Easter, he is getting so big. I will be posting more pictures later but need to get my dirty house cleaned

Monday, April 13, 2009

My new photography blog

So I finally started a blog for my photography, please check it out and leave a comment if you would like. I have only one post on it at the moment but plan on adding more sessions as I go.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Free Stuff

Here's how it works: The first three people to comment on this post will get something handmade by me. I reserve the right to choose what it is when I see who comments. The winners must be willing to post this on their blog and do the same for three of their readers. Winners are also allowed, if they wish, to post a picture of their prize, although this is not required.Prizes will be mailed or hand-delivered (depending on where you live) by the end of 2009. So you'd be getting a surprise as part of the package! Really, how can you lose?

Monday, April 6, 2009

My new lens

Ok so I had to share this picture of CiCi, I got a new lens and was so excited to try it out but of course my kids are sick of me practicing on them. But CiCi will just sit and look at me, at times I catch myself yelling at her for moving or blinking.

Border was added for affect

Friday, March 27, 2009

Jumping on the trampoline

No story just some fun pictures of Bug jumping on the trampoline


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Taylor lost her first tooth!!!

She has been waiting for what seems like forever and it happened this morning. It was just a month ago she had a break down because she hasn't lost a  tooth and all her friends have. So that night the tooth fairy brought her a note telling her that she would soon loose a tooth but to continue to brush them every day. 

Taylor would like me to tell you about how it felt to loose the tooth this is in her own words.

It didn't feel funny, it just came out. I like my tooth I was waiting for a long time. I tell my mom I had a loose tooth, and I showed my mommy my loose tooth. I like my tooth when it is out, I like it very much and want to smile without it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Magnet Board

My friend's dad is selling these magnet boards unfinished for only $12 they measure 29 inches wide and 22 inches tall, he has a smaller size as well will have to check the price on that. With some paper, glue, wood finish and about 3 hours of time you to can create a fun colorful magnet board that fits your personality. However if you don't have time to make it, my friends sells already finished ones for $25 she will soon be posting pictures of the ones she has in stock on her etsy account (she lives in Kaysville so you don't have to worry about shipping you can just pick one up). Check out what she has available on

I love mine, I made it for my craft room so that is why I used fun bold print. I was going to do it for my kitchen and use black and white but Zach said no. What a punk!!!!!!!!!!