Monday, August 24, 2009

Lunch Box Cards

My cousin Kelsey and I were up until 1:45am in the morning last night making these cute lunch box cards for Taylor and Brooklyn. We each did 20 different cards, mine were for Taylor and hers were for Brooklyn. They are all different sizes any where from 1 x1 - 3 x3. It is so funny how hers and mine turned out so different (even though I copied her on some). These will take care of one month but we will start again next month. All the cards took about 3hrs to finish, but it was worth it. I love them!!!!!!

Kelsey's cards for Brooklyn

My cards for Taylor

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My new Nephew

He was born at 11:21pm on August 3rd, after a long delivery. My sister had the worst delivery I have heard of!!! By the time she was pushing which was at 9:30pm her epidural worn off so she pretty much went at it natural. She also had to get an episiotomy, since the doctor didn't check to see if she was numb she felt the entire thing!!!!! Since she could feel everything the pain was so bad that it caused a blood vessel to burst and created a hematoma the size of a golf ball. After a lot of pain killers and a blood transfusion she is going to be released from the hospital tomorrow.

7lbs 9oz
21 inches long